Professional Editing Services

No More Mistakes

Manuscripts, Blog Posts, Resumes, Letters, Final Papers, and other Online Content

I work in Word Documents and Google Docs through email and expect to have pdf files as an option soon!

Regular Rate: $0.025 per word

Rush Rate: $0.050 per word

Self-Publishing School (SPS) Rate: $0.015 per word


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    Why choose Gray Edits?

    “I respectfully help writers resolve errors and put the finishing touch on their document, so they have more time to focus on the content of their work and release it to the public with confidence and peace of mind.”

    –Kayla Gray

    My Work

    Check out the link below

    But Don't Take It From Me

    “Kayla has been a godsend! I am in the process of conducting academic research and to have her in my corner has been incredible. She is able to find mistakes that even I miss, given my 20+ year experience in academia. She’s an incredible proofreader and amazing young woman.”
    Lane Swenson
    “Kayla is the unbiased English teacher we all wish we had! She moved through the piece quickly, caught details that went right over my head, and gave suggestions in a constructive manner. She can proofread like nobody’s business, with no stress about grades!” 
    Drew Conger
    “Kayla Gray is a very dedicated individual. She’s so willing to work with your needs and does an amazing job at giving the necessary feedback. Her work only increases the value of yours.”
    Caleb Scoresby